Monday, July 21, 2008

Figlia di Guglielmino

Figlia di Guglielmino for two (La Fia)
For two

Music has:
10 tempi quadernaria
10 tempi bassadanza
5 tempi quadernaria
10 tempi piva

1 -- 3 fast sempi, 2 fast continentie (sempi take one beat each, 2 continentie take the remaining beat)
2 -- repeat on other foot
3 -- Drop hands, woman turn to face rear, 2 sempi - man to the front, woman to the rear
4 -- Diagonal Ripresa L, right shoulder pointing towards partner
5 -- Doppio R back to partner, man turning to face forwards at the end

6-10 -- Repeat all

1-2 -- Take right hands, 2 sempi (L,R), riverentia L

Pass one another while exchanging places, man going to rear and woman forwards
3 -- 2 sempi (L,R)
4-5 -- 2 doppi (L,R), turn to face the other way at the end
6 -- Ripresa L, turn to the left to face away from each other
7 -- Ripresa R
8-9 -- 2 doppi (L,R), turn to face other way at end
10 -- Riverentia L

1 -- Woman doppio L
2 -- Man doppio L
3 -- Woman doppio
4 -- Man sempio L, woman sempio L
5 -- Man saltarello L in a circle on the spot

1-3 -- Woman 3 piva (L,R,L) in a circle on the spot
4 -- Man hop
5 -- Piva R
6 -- Sempio L
7 -- Woman movimento
8-9 -- 2 piva (R,L)
10 -- Sempio R

The end.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008



For 2 men and 1 woman (side by side m-w-m)

In the style of Domenico

Music has:
10 tempi saltarello
4 tempi quadernaria
1 tempo piva
4 tempi saltarello
16 tempi bassadanza
15 tempi saltarello

1 -- Wait, this is an introductory bar.
2-10 -- 9 saltarelli (starting R)

1-2 -- Woman does 4 sempi forward starting with the left foot
3-4 -- Men catch up with 4 sempi

1 -- Woman turn to face the other way with 2 fast sempi

1-4 -- All do 4 saltarelli. Men and woman will be going in opposite directions

1-2 -- 2 Riprese (L,R), turning 180° to the right

Next part travels back towards each other
3-4 -- 2 Sempi (L,R), doppio L
5-6 -- Turn with 2 sempi (R,L), ripresa R (This is a volta del goioso)
7-10 -- Repeat bars 3-6

In the next 4 bars the men and woman will pass each other and continue on
11-14 -- 4 doppi (L,R,L,R)
15-16 -- 2 Riprese (L,R), turning 180° to the right

The first 9 bars of this section travel towards each other, ending in a triangle
1 -- 2 Sempi (L,R)
2-3 -- 2 Riprese (L,R)
4-6 -- Repeat bars 1-3
7-9 -- Repeat bars 1-3

10-12 -- Woman and man to her right circle each other with 3 piva (clockwise)
13-14 -- Woman and other man circle in 2 piva (clockwise)
15 -- All Movimento

The End