Monday, June 30, 2008


For a man and a woman

In the style of Domenico

Music has:
12 tempi saltarelli (Domenico actually gives 16 bars of music, but only steps for 12. Since the recording we have has 12 bars I have used a 12 bar interpretation)
24 tempi bassadanza

1 -- Wait
2-12 -- 11 saltarelli (starting right)

1-4 -- 4 doppi (L,R,L,R)
5-6 -- 3 contrapassi L
7 -- 2 sempi (R,L)
8-9 -- 3 contrapassi R
10-11 -- 2 Riprese (L,R)
12-13 -- 2 saltarelli (L,R) (these are slow)
14-15 -- 2 Riprese (L,R)
16-19 -- Repeat saltarelli and riprese
20-- 2 sempi (L,R)
21 -- Doppio L
22 -- Ripresa R
23 -- 2 Continentie (L,R)
24 -- Riverentia L

The end.
(repeat? This dance doesn't specify this but many others do, and most recordings of music go through twice - do 12 saltarelli at the beginning, starting with the left foot)

Monday, June 23, 2008


For a man and a woman

In the style of Domenico
Music has:
12 tempi quadernaria
13 tempi bassa danza (Domenico states 12.5 bars, but gives music for 13)
6 tempi quadernaria

1-8 -- 8 saltarelli (last two saltarelli are a different tune)

9-10 -- Man goes away with 3 steps (L,R,L), and a saltarello R
11-12 -- Woman catches up with the same steps

1-2 -- 2 Riprese
3-4 -- Take right hands and do 2 sempi (L,R), and a doppio L
5 -- change hands, ripresa R
6-7 -- 2 Sempi (L,R), Doppio L
8 -- Drop hands ard ripresa R (Domenico has one sempio here - making half a bar. Other manuscripts give a ripresa, so I have used this to fill the 13 bars of music)
9-10 -- 2 Doppii away from each other (L,R), turning to face at the end
11-12 -- 2 Riprese (L,R)
13 -- 2 Continenzi (L,R)

1 -- Man movimento, Woman respond with a movimento
2 -- Doppio L towards each other
3 -- Woman movimento, Man respond with a movimento
4 -- Doppio L towards each other
5 -- Doppio L, circling each other
6 -- Leap onto the right foot, ending up side by side as at the beginning of the dance

The end (repeat, woman leading? This dance doesn't specify this but many others do, and most recordings of music go through twice)

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Ball + Collegium advert

Join us for a day of learning crowned by a ball in the style of 1459 Florence.

Date: Saturday September 6. Collegium: 10-5 Ball: begins 7pm
Location: Bishopdale Community Centre, Upstairs (above the library), Bishopdale Shopping Mall, 129 Farrington Avenue, Bishopdale, Christchurch.
Cost: $10 member / $12 non-member for ball or collegium, $16 member/$18 non-member for both
To book: contact me (Lady Amalie:
Bookings for the ball close Saturday August 30. Bookings may be required for some classes at the Collegium; details closer to the event
Please make cheques payable to "SCA - Barony of Southron Gaard"

The collegium will offer a range of classes, details forthcoming closer to the time. Please contact Lady Mathilda de Villiers ( if you would like to lead a workshop, class, or discussion group at Collegium. The more the merrier! The collegium will be self catered but there are many options for eating in the adjacent mall.

The ball will include the Baronial quarter day court and a supper prepared by THL Taddea di Giorgio Mellini. The ball itself will consist of bassa dances and balli from the manuscripts of Domenico and Cornazano. These dances will be taught at the Baronial dance practices on Tuesdays, starting 7:30 pm, in the coming weeks. No experience is necessary! You can also check out reconstructions of the dances we have taught so far on this website.

Bus routes 10, 14 and 15 go to the mall and the Orbiter passes nearby.

Monday, June 9, 2008


For three women and three men - three couples, spaced three steps apart

In the style of Domenico
Music has:
26 tempi quadernaria

1-8 -- Eight saltarelli (text gives six saltarelli, music has appropriate repeats for eight and other versions have varying numbers)

9-10 -- 1st man 3 contrapassi L around in front of his partner to touch the hand of the 2nd woman
11 -- 1st man Riverentia L, 2nd man saltarello R to be next to 1st woman
12-13 -- 1st man 3 contrapassi in front of 2nd woman to be next to 3rd woman, touching hands
14 -- 1st man riverentia L, 3nd man saltarello R to be next to 2nd woman.
15 -- 1st man 1st man goes behind 3rd woman to be on her left with a saltarello

16-19 -- 8 Piva
20 -- 1st man and 1st woman turn on the spot
21 -- 2nd man and 2nd woman the same
22 -- 3rd man and 3rd woman the same
23-24 -- Partners take right hands, 3 sempi (R,L,R) to change places
25-26 -- Change hands, 3 sempi (L,R,L) back to place

Repeat from the beginning, all men have changed places. Dance 3 times in total to get back to original places.