Monday, June 30, 2008


For a man and a woman

In the style of Domenico

Music has:
12 tempi saltarelli (Domenico actually gives 16 bars of music, but only steps for 12. Since the recording we have has 12 bars I have used a 12 bar interpretation)
24 tempi bassadanza

1 -- Wait
2-12 -- 11 saltarelli (starting right)

1-4 -- 4 doppi (L,R,L,R)
5-6 -- 3 contrapassi L
7 -- 2 sempi (R,L)
8-9 -- 3 contrapassi R
10-11 -- 2 Riprese (L,R)
12-13 -- 2 saltarelli (L,R) (these are slow)
14-15 -- 2 Riprese (L,R)
16-19 -- Repeat saltarelli and riprese
20-- 2 sempi (L,R)
21 -- Doppio L
22 -- Ripresa R
23 -- 2 Continentie (L,R)
24 -- Riverentia L

The end.
(repeat? This dance doesn't specify this but many others do, and most recordings of music go through twice - do 12 saltarelli at the beginning, starting with the left foot)

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